Flora and fauna are the most important part of our eco-system. Tree plantation is the easiest and cost effective way to conserve our planet. Trees and plants absorb large amounts of emission, filter the ground water & also provide habitat biodiversity. Tree plantation helps in reducing the temperature of the surrounding area. We at Aldeno plant a tree for every shirt sold as our USP. We have successfully achieved the target to plant 1500 trees on the world environment day this year. We at Aldeno plant a tree for every shirt sold as our USP.

Aldeno is contributing towards animal and environmental sustainability by helping the NGOs and promoting animal welfare in the society. There is emphasis on conservation but seldom on protection through continuous and long term approach. This project focuses on the rescue, treatment, care and rehabilitation of urban wild animals with the goal to release them back to their natural habitats. Aldeno also runs animal welfare training and awareness programmes for local communities of the region for making them aware about the animal livelihood.
In order to make sustainability part of the livelihood of community and looking into long term benefits we collaborate with government schools to make children conscious about animal deaths caused by human intervention. This in turn helps students to build empathy towards not just animals but every form of life.

Factory has been installed with rooftop solar power plant
with a capacity of 227 kWp, which provides 25% of total power